If it were not for Christ, no one
would be saved. The Church is His
Body, and thus, the means of
Salvation. This does not mean that
God can't save those who, through
no fault of their own,
do their best to follow the grace
that God gives them.
Every individual
must make an effort to form his conscience
and seek the truth.
there are those who either by circumstances, not of their own, or by invincible
ignorance, do not enter the Catholic
Church. The Catechism and the Bible make it clear that God wants all
men to be saved.
So we leave
the final disposition of a man's
soul in His Hands, relying on His
Mercy and Grace.
The Church does not teach, now, nor
has ever taught, that only Card
Carrying Catholics can
be saved, but if non-Catholics
are saved, they are saved because they responded to what ever
grace and Catholic truth they may
have been exposed to.
Further, the only reason that they
received this grace is because of
Christ's Church (His Body); which
is the vehicle through which, and
from which, all graces flow.
Hope this helps,